Vivian’s Harvest Festival Experience

Artboard 1 Member Contributed Posts
icon-clock November 16, 2018

This blog post was contributed by Cohort 17 Corps Member Vivian Osobaye.

Green City Force and NYCHA Harvest Festival and Farm Party at Forest Houses Farm

My first harvest festival in the Bronx at Forest Houses Farm was amazing and inspirational. There were a lot of kids laughing, happy to get their face painted, and super excited about carving their pumpkins. There were potato sack races with the kids and some of the Cohort members, there were gifts to residents who won raffles, and kids were having a lot of fun dancing. The DJ there was playing some fun pop music. The Corps Members were super excited to serve the residents that showed up for Harvest Fest. We all had good laughs and enjoyed memorable moments.


Forest Harvest Fest Photo Gallery